Why American women are suffering despite Feminism?

4 min readFeb 7, 2021


The reason feminism in the West did not completely achieve its intended goal entirely was that the west advocated sexual liberation which liberated men more than women leading to a hookup culture that did nothing more than objectify women, with little consideration of real emotions and now we evolved to a point, we have dehumanized sex completely.

In the east, women are treated as property by men and their needs and emotions are stifled. In the east and middle east, the most prominent message a woman gets is her sole purpose in life is to obey and serve a man.

In the West, the most prominent message a woman gets is that she has to be sexually desirable and her physical assets define her. Women are so brainwashed by a society that, they sadly end up taking great pride in being sexually objectified. Women go to extreme lengths to play to a male gallery and young teens suffer from low self-esteem as they more worry about not being sexually desirable.

Women do not take offense to terms like Hot ass, sexy, or even chick flick which are heavily sexist.

Romance is always mostly comedy in American movies with little emphasis on serious emotions. Even on most T.V shows, feelings are mostly an afterthought and every second dialogue has sexual undertones. A woman asked by a man to show her breasts on a prime time TV show on a date evokes laughter, not disgust.

American stand up comedians cannot even make you laugh without sexual content. We as a society use the middle finger and terms like “fuck” and “dick” to express anger and even emotions cannot be seemingly expressed without sexual gestures.

The legal system in America is equally pathetic.A woman is sent to jail for abortion in some states and in some states of America, a rapist can get custody of his child and a man that chooses not to be in his child’s life can get away by throwing a few thousand dollars at his child.

Take the case of Purvi Patel who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for allegedly killing her newborn. If she was at fault, the court did not even issue a misdemeanor of neglectful conduct towards the man. He was well within his legal rights to leave a woman pregnant and walkway. The same system that penalizes a human for even having a loud argument in a public place as disturbing peace lets a man walk free after getting a woman pregnant and leaving a child fatherless destroying the social fabric of America.

It would be worthy to mention here, Steve Jobs completely refused to acknowledge or support his daughter (from an earlier relationship) for most of his life and he even once forged paternity papers to not have to pay child support. Despite this, he is worshipped as an icon in America, when men are serving jail time for small offenses like smoking weed.

The Legal System in America itself victimizes women in many cases.

Now coming to the most powerful men in America — the men that make laws and decisions around women. Most politicians in America as they grow up in an over-sexualized culture, like sex on tap and have scant respect for women. They say all the right buzz words to get votes and feign respect and so most people are impressed with the packaging to even consider the package. Look at Bill Clinton, 20 years ago, who with not an ounce of guilt indulged in his sexual fantasies in the White House. Trump’s statements have been disrespectful despite the spotlight was mostly shone on his actions to dethrone him not with any real concern for women’s issues. Many of our politicians are not even aware of the fact sanitary napkins are taxed while viagra is not.

Now if we leave the projection of women in media aside, the sexism in the legal system and politics aside, dating in America is again not a level playing ground for women and women (like the Aziz Ansari case reveals) by and large feel pressured to have sex too soon despite not wanting to and men in America mostly cannot tell the difference between emotional consent and sexual consent.

Also dating is a field where the man leads and the woman follows. Women are rarely told to assert their needs and mostly get advice to act pretty or play along. If you have any questions about what I am saying please read some dating books authored by women for women. Sex on a 3rd date is normal but a woman talking of marriage in 3 months gets eyeballs rolling.

If women really need to harness the true power of feminism, they should pull all stops on this over-sexualized culture and stop lying to themselves about their real wants and needs. It would also serve America well if women work to change some laws that are extremely sexist and treat men to value their emotions first before they launch on a terrain of sexual exploration.

Men on the other hand need to be taught to understand a woman’s emotions first and foremost and stop being assaulted with images in media where women are nothing more than a piece of flesh. #Me Too or # Times Up will only put a bandage on the problem or serve the needs of their Political masters if women do not actively start working at the grassroots level in proactively changing perceptions around how women are viewed.




Written by Lucky

I enjoy writing about a lot of different social topics that I think about

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